Can Babies Be Born With Teeth?

June 6, 2024
Can Babies Be Born With Teeth?

Stepping into the world of parenthood brings with it a galaxy of wonders and questions about your baby's journey of growth and milestones. Among the many fascinating aspects you'll explore, one question that might tickle your curiosity is the intriguing possibility of your little one greeting the world with a smile that's already shining with teeth. Is it possible for babies to be born with teeth? Let's embark on this intriguing exploration together and uncover the mysteries of your baby's first smile!

Understanding Natal Teeth

Natal teeth, as they are called, are indeed a real phenomenon, albeit a rare one. These are teeth that are present at birth, and they occur in approximately one out of every 2,000 to 3,000 births. Natal teeth are typically not fully developed and have little root structure. They are often loose and can cause discomfort or difficulty for the baby while nursing.

Implications of Natal Teeth

While natal teeth can be startling for new parents, they're usually not a cause for concern. However, because they are often loose due to their underdeveloped roots, there's a risk they could be inhaled or swallowed by the baby. Additionally, they can irritate or injure the baby's mouth or the mother's breast. In some cases, a Verona pediatric dentist might recommend removing the teeth to prevent such complications.

Caring for Natal Teeth

If the natal teeth are not posing any immediate risk, they can be left in place. In this case, parents should take extra care to keep the teeth and the baby's mouth clean. Although it may seem daunting to brush a newborn's teeth, it can be done gently with a soft baby toothbrush or cloth. It's also important to monitor for any changes or signs of discomfort.

The Role of a Pediatric Dentist

A pediatric dentist plays a crucial role in addressing natal teeth and providing guidance to parents. They can assess the condition of the teeth, decide whether removal is necessary, and provide advice on how to care for them. Regular dental check-ups are essential to ensure the baby's oral health is on track.

Let Blue Skies Pediatric Dentistry Guide You

At Blue Skies Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that the appearance of natal teeth can be a surprise for many parents. Dr. Stephen Prieve and our team are here to provide the expert care your child needs, from their first tooth to their last. If you're in the Verona, WI area and have questions or concerns about your baby's teeth, don't hesitate to reach out to us at (608) 960-8414. We are committed to making your child's dental health our priority. Request an appointment today and let us guide you on this exciting journey of your child's growth and development.

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